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Rondônia, domingo, 29 de setembro de 2024.


COVID-19: Brazil has 1.2 thousand deaths, 61.9 thousand cases in 24h


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Brazil confirmed 61,963 infected with COVID-19 and 1,214 deaths from the disease in 24 hours. The figures can be found in the daily update released by the country’s Ministry of Health for Tuesday (Jan. 26). These bring the total number of people who succumbed to the novel coronavirus to 218,878. There are also 2,847 fatalities under investigation by health teams.

The country’s total case tally has reached 8,933,356, 7,798,655 of whom have recovered from the illness. There are also 915,823 active cases being monitored by health agents.

Case and death counts are usually lower on Sundays and Mondays due to difficulties facing health secretariats providing data on the weekend. On Tuesdays, stats tend to be higher due to amount of previously uncounted data submitted to the Health Ministry.


On the list of Brazilian states with the highest death tolls is São Paulo at the top (51,838), followed by Rio de Janeiro (29,043), Minas Gerais (14,328), Ceará (10,363), and Pernambuco (10,222). Those with the lowest amount of fatalities are Roraima (835), Acre (856), Amapá (1,036), Tocantins (1,353), and Rondônia (2,149).

São Paulo also ranks first in number of cases (1.71 million), followed by Minas Gerais (699.2 thousand), Bahia (570 thousand), Santa Catarina (564 thousand), and Rio Grande do Sul (532.9 thousand).

The post COVID-19: Brazil has 1.2 thousand deaths, 61.9 thousand cases in 24h first appeared on Notícias locais e do Brasil.


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