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Rondônia, sábado, 21 de setembro de 2024.


Brazil surpasses 7 million infected with COVID-19


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The report released yesterday by Brazil’s Ministry of Health shows 70,574 new infections with COVID-19 and 936 new deaths from the disease in the country in 24 hours.

The figure brings Brazil’s total case tally beyond the 7 million mark (7,040,608) since the pandemic started. The case count disclosed yesterday is considerably higher than Tuesday’s 42.8 thousand infected.

The real caseload and the number of fatalities are, in fact, much larger, as São Paulo did not submit its data on Wednesday due to technical difficulties. The state ranks first in number of both cases and deaths, way above any other.

The total death toll since the beginning of the pandemic—not including São Paulo’s data for Wednesday—stands at 183,735. Recovered patients add up to 6,132,683—87.1 percent of the total infected.

The state with the second highest case tally is Minas Gerais, with 477,697. The Brazilian state with the second highest amount of deaths is Rio de Janeiro—24,109 since the pandemic started.

The post Brazil surpasses 7 million infected with COVID-19 first appeared on Notícias locais e do Brasil.


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