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Rondônia, domingo, 22 de setembro de 2024.


COVID-19: Brazil has had 196 thousand deaths, 7.73 thousand cases


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The deaths linked to the pandemic of the novel coronavirus have reached 196,018. In 24 hours, 293 deaths and 17,341 new positive diagnoses were registered. The amount of people infected since the beginning of the pandemic now stands at 7,733,746. Altogether, 6,813,008 people have recovered from the disease.

The report was published Sunday (Jan. 3) by Brazil’s Ministry of Health. The survey gathers data from state health secretariats from across the country.

Usually, the number of deaths and cases are lower on Sundays and Mondays due to the difficulties facing the health secretariats providing the data on weekends. On Tuesdays, tallies tend to be higher as formerly uncounted cases and deaths are finally computed.

COVID-19 across the states

São Paulo confirmed 1,471,422 people contaminated. Other states with the highest case tally are Minas Gerais (550,672) and Santa Catarina (497.345). Acre has the lowest amount of cases (42,046), followed by Amapá (68,568) and Roraima (68,875).

São Paulo also ranks first in number of deaths, with 46,865. Rio de Janeiro (25,626) and Minas Gerais (12,037) come next. The states with the fewest deaths are Roraima (787), Acre (802), and Amapá (927).

The post COVID-19: Brazil has had 196 thousand deaths, 7.73 thousand cases first appeared on Notícias locais e do Brasil.


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