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Rondônia, segunda, 23 de setembro de 2024.


COVID-19: Brazil has had 154,000 deaths, 5.27 mi cases


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Brazil has reached 154,837 deaths due to COVID-19, as per the figures in the report released by the Ministry of Health on Tuesday evening (Oct. 20), after the 661 new deaths were registered in 24 hours. There are also 2,419 fatal cases under investigation.

The case tally since the beginning of the pandemic of the novel coronavirus now stands at 5,273,954. From Monday to Friday, the state health secretariats added 23,227 new positive diagnoses of the disease to the statistics.

As it stands today, 397,524 patients being monitored. Also according to the official data, 4,721,593 people have recovered from the disease.

São Paulo

With 211 new death and 4,923 new cases confirmed in 24 hours, the state of São Paulo currently reports 38,246 deaths and 1,068,962 cases of the new coronavirus.

Of the cases diagnosed, 959,087 people have recovered from the disease.

At this moment, 7,296 people are hospitalized with a suspected or confirmed case of coronavirus statewide. Of these, 3,196 are in a serious state. The bed occupancy rate in intensive care units is 40.7 percent for the state and 40.5 percent in the Great São Paulo area.

All 645 municipalities within the state witnessed at least one case of coronavirus. In 584 at least one person is reported to have died from the disease.

Other states

After São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro is the state with the highest COVID-19 death count. Next come Ceará (9,218), Pernambuco (8,505), and Minas Gerais (8,483). Those with the lowest case tallies are Acre (682), Roraima (686), Amapá (734), Tocantins (1,055), and Mato Grosso do Sul (1,512).

The post COVID-19: Brazil has had 154,000 deaths, 5.27 mi cases first appeared on Notícias locais e do Brasil.


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