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Rondônia, sábado, 21 de setembro de 2024.


COVID-19: Brazil reaches 2.8 mi cases; 70.3% have recovered


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Since the beginning of the pandemic, 2,801,921 Brazilians have become infected with the coronavirus. The death toll stands at 95,819. There are also 3,6 thousand deaths under investigation. The figures can be found in the Tuesday (Aug. 4) report by the Health Ministry.

According to the document, in 24 hours (from Mondau to Tuesday), 51,603 new cases of COVID-19 were registered and 1,154 people died from the disease.

The total amount of recovered patients is 1,907,767, or 70 percent of the COVID-19 cases notified since the pandemic started, in March. There are also 735,335 patients being observed.

The lethality rate (number of deaths divided by the case tally) stood at 3.4 percent. Mortality (deaths for every 100 thousand people) reached 45.6. The incidence of COVID-19 cases for every 100 thousand people is 1,333.3.

Brazil still ranks second on the global ranking of cases and deaths linked to the pandemic. Atop the list stands the US, which has registered 156,426 deaths and 4,758,028 cases of COVID-19, as per the map put together by John Hopkins University.

COVID-19 across the states

The states with the highest COVID-19 death count are São Paulo (23,702), Rio de Janeiro (13,715), Ceará (7,806), Pernambuco (6,717), and Pará (5,799). The ones with the lowest number of fatal cases are Tocantins (408), Mato Grosso do Sul (432), Roraima (528), Acre (545), and Amapá (581).

São Paulo also ranks first in number of cases (575,589), followed by Ceará (179.341), Bahia (175,389), Rio de Janeiro (168,911), and Pará (158,277). Bahia has overcome Rio de Janeiro in the third position.

The states with the least people infected are Amapá (36,999), Roraima (33,194), Mato Grosso do Sul (27,678), Tocantins (27,664), and Acre (20,708).


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